Web Disclaimer 2018-04-11T18:36:57+00:00

Privacy Policy – Legal Disclaimer:


This website is for general informational purposes only. Brookhill International Pty LTD uses reasonable care in compiling and presenting the information found on its web-sites (Brookhillint.co.za), it is provided purely for information and you should seek further guidance and make independent inquiries before relying upon it. The information included in this website has been compiled from a range of sources and is subject to change without notice. Brookhill International Pty LTD makes no representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the accuracy, completeness currency, adequacy, suitability or operation of this website, or of the information it contains nor makes any such warranty in relation to any information carried on any website operated by a third party which may be accessed from this website, nor that the information on this or any third party website has in any way been verified by Brookhill International Pty LTD. All information contained on this website is provided on an “as is” basis. Brookhill International Pty LTD assumes no onus for information contained in this site and disclaims all liability arising from negligence or otherwise in respect of such information. By using this web-site you assume the risk that the information on this web-site may be inaccurate, incomplete, and out of date or may not meet your requirements. Any interpretation of its content, or claims, disputes (of whatever nature and not limited to contractual issues) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of South Africa and its legal procedures.

Languages: The translation of this website in different languages other than English is for reference only. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the English and translated versions, the English version shall prevail.

Copyright Notice: All copyright is the property of Brookhill International Pty LTD South Africa and any unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized use of Brookhill International Pty LTD trade names, trademarks, content, and logo without the explicit consent and approval is strictly prohibited.